Welcome to my blog! Here, I'll share insights about technology in a way that's easy to understand. I work with Red Hat products and other open-source projects to help old systems use modern cloud technology. If you're curious about tech but find it a bit complex, you're in the right place. Let's explore these tech ideas together in simple terms.
What is SOS collect? If you have worked with Red Hat products for a while, you should know about the sos tool. sos is a diagnostic data collection utility, used by system administrators, support representatives, and the like to assist in troubleshooting issues with a system or group of systems. The most well known function is sos report. It generates an archive of system information including configuration files and command output.
Build your blog with Hugo and GitHub Pages In this blog post, we are going to create a simple and minimalist personal website using Hugo and GitHub Pages. With Github Pages, we can host a personal webpage without bothering about finding a domain name, and with Hugo, we have a variety of themes to choose from.
Create your GitHub repository First, you need to know that the name of your GH account or your repo will determine the URL where your web site will be located.